Thursday, January 29, 2015

ENDURE if you can not CURE....

There is a saying, "What can not be cured, must be endured". However, this seems imply an attitude of resignation and more sort of escapism or surrendering to the unacceptable cause. But a more positive approach would be what can not be avoided should be accepted cheerfully and gracefully as the wish of his Holiness.

If something can not be cured, at least endure it calmly with the understanding that nothing is permanent in this beautiful world. If we find that a situation is out of our control and reach, we need to keep calm, wait for a while (this "WHILE" could be a moment, a minute, an hour,  a day, a week, a month, an year, a decade or decades, century or life after life....) It is entirely related and in connection with the relevance of our endurance level. So wait a WHILE, and see if we can do anything about it or not.

For example, if there is hot outside, we can turn on the air conditioner. But if the power goes off then there is nothing we can do about it but WE CERTAINLY ENDURE the heat.....

-- Courtesy : Speaking Tree 4 Jan, 2015

Friends, physical and mental endurance is as important as we inhale-exhale to survive against death. It actually derives and defines the quality of our existence. It makes the difference about "How do we live?"  or "How lively do we live?"

Endurance is never ever be an emotion of demilitarize or disengage own from the situation. But it is a power to exhibit our strength to handle the external and internal stimuli constructively which is posturing our personality.

"Be the cure of your own-self with the power of endurance"